Work Smarter, Not Harder

Automate your ecommerce workflows

An intuitive and easy to use tool for ecommerce merchants to create robust, detailed automation workflows.
build visually

You'll be in good company.

Infinite Possibilities

Oh! The things you could automate 😲

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Visual Canvas

A visual canvas — no coding needed.

Give wings to all your ideas with our visual flow builder. No more waiting on developers. FlowHippo lets you build as if you were a developer, without the need for coding expertise.
Customer Testimonials

Hear from folks automating their way to awesome!

From marketing hustlers to engineering nerds, customers love how FlowHippo enables them to do things that never before were possible.
Aarti R
Rogic Denim
Flowhippo helped us reach new heights of business productivity by automating repetitive tasks. What I like most about it, is that you don't require any coding knowledge. The user interface is simple and easy! Plus they provide lots of training as well!
Nour H
Amazing, actually! We are a toy subscription company in Dubai called Montiplay and we have been with Zoko/FlowHippo for more than 6 months now. The features are new, but they were exactly what we needed. We wanted to set up automatic messages to send clients digital play guides/instructions how to use the toys. Setting up the flow was easy once you get the hang of it, and we linked each guideline to the product ID on shopify. This saved us a lot of unnecessary and redundant operational work. We are planning to set up automated bots to assist clients outside working hours, too. The pricing is also very affordable because we are a startup too.
Niharika T
Choosing the right product for their needs is something our customers struggle with, and we've always relied on sales teams' calls to do this. FlowHippo helped us automate this choosing process for the customers, and they were able to make their purchases confidently. Our sales team also found that it made the process faster. Additionally, we could provide adequate post-purchase followup to our customers for onboarding. The team is also extremely helpful, replying to our queries immediately and helping us learn the tool and sort any issues that came up. Thank you so much!
Luca Radici
Individual Socks
The app is great! You can do almost everything you need. I have been using Flowhippo for more than 1 month and we have developed supreme automations that are incredibly helping my business. Really recommended!